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2 to 4 week lead time

Measuring 6'1"L  x 3'W x 2'6"H, KRYO 2 is engineered for a cool or cold plunge, and is better suited for more typical plunge posture. Designed for indoor and outdoor use, KRYO 2 does not require any ice to chill, and the included cover and stainless steel construction ensure your tub will meet your desired temp every time you use. Your KRYO 2 shipment includes:

  • Charcoal Hose Filter (for filling)
  • Thermal Tub Cover
  • Drip Pan (for condensation)
  • Chiller (1/2 hp)
  • AOP/UV Sanitation Unit
  • Integrated Pump and Filter

Note: Each tub is individually hand stained and some color variation may occur. Colors may appear different on your screen.

    Regular price $19,950.00
    Regular price Sale price $19,950.00
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